Jake Brown杏彩体育

发布日期:2024-08-16 17:22    点击次数:130


本周,萨拉索塔市展示了一款新式全地形轮椅,让纰谬东说念主士概况更温情地赶赴丽皆海滩的沙滩。EcoRover 是一款电动履带轮椅,使用者不错通过旁边杆或遥控器戒指轮椅。在新闻发布会上,崇敬监督该市治服联邦残疾东说念主通说念条目的官员杰克·布朗 (Jake Brown) 演示了轮椅在沙滩上温情挪动的情形。

The city of Sarasota showed off a new, all-terrain wheelchair this week that will allow people with disabilities easier access to the sand on Lido Beach. The EcoRover is an electric, tracked chair the user controls with a joystick or by a companion with a remote control. During a press conference, the official who oversees city compliance with federal disability access requirements, Jake Brown, demonstrated how easily the chair moves across the sand.

“这是一种了不得的挪动接济器具,”布朗说,“EcoRover 就像一辆小坦克。它坚固耐用,不错载着一个东说念主穿越多样地形,包括沙地。因此,当年无法在丽皆海滩上行走的残疾东说念主现时有了 EcoRover 就不错这么作念了。”

“It’s an amazing mobility aid,” said Brown, "The EcoRover is like a little tank. It’s built tough to carry an individual through various terrain, including sand. So, people with disabilities who haven’t been able to get on the sand at Lido Beach can do so now with the EcoRover.”

纰谬东说念主士臆测委员会主席罗斯玛丽·克里姆贝尔 (Rosemary Krimbel) 解说说,委员会臆测并批准购买价值 14,000 好意思元的汽车。“这太令东说念主欢快了,”克里姆贝尔说,“咱们概况提供这辆车简直令东说念主应允。”

Rosemary Krimbel, Citizens with Disabilities Advisory Board chairperson, explained that the board researched and approved the purchase of the $14,000 vehicle. “This is so exciting,” said Krimbel, "It’s gratifying we’re able to offer this.”

该项蓄意资金来自东说念主们因在残疾东说念主泊车位泊车而被开罚单时征收的罚金。现时,该市只好一辆 EcoRover。它不错免费使用,但必须提前预订。

Funding for the project comes from fines levied when people are ticketed for parking in a handicapped parking space. For now, the city only has one EcoRover. It is free to use but must be reserved in advance.
